Schools, businesses and individuals who inspire friends and colleagues to take part in this year’s SPAR Women’s Challenge will stand to win great prizes in the 20th edition of the race in Port Elizabeth on May 4.

According to SPAR Eastern Cape marketing manager Abri Swart the aim of the “introduce a friend” competition is to reward loyal supporters and encourage new participants to discover the fun and community spirit of the road race which annually draws around 12 000 runners.

“If a lady who took part last year introduces a friend who did not, they fill in an additional form that goes into a separate lucky draw. If their names are drawn, each of them will win R1 200.”

Swart said participants may introduce as many new ladies as they wish but may only nominate each one once.

“We’re once again also offering incentives in the hotly contested schools and corporates category.”

He said the primary school and company with the most entries would each win R2 500, while the most-represented high school earned a laptop computer.

“In addition, the teacher who assembles the largest number of learners will receive R1 200 for his or her efforts.”

Last year Lorraine Primary went to the head of the class, while long-time supporter Lawson Brown High narrowly beat off challenges from Arcadia and Westville Senior Secondary Schools.

Aspen Pharmacare took advantage of the team-building opportunity to scoop the profits in the corporate category.

“To make things easier on everyone, we have instituted a special bulk entry procedure for schools and companies,” said Swart.

“But each runner can still choose whether to do the 5km or 10km event, as both count towards the total.”

He said participants in the newly introduced Little Ladies’ Race for girls under the age of nine, which takes place during registration at Pollok Beach on May 1, would not qualify for the primary schools category.

Swart said organising club Walmer Athletics had already dropped off or posted bulk entry packs – containing forms, posters and instructions – to interested schools and companies across the metro.

“Their race numbers and t-shirts will be prepared and pre-packed in bulk for collection before the race.” Representatives can collect their organisations’ packs from the registration tent during office hours on April 29 and 30.

Enter at or collect a form from your neighbourhood SPAR or selected sports shops in Nelson Mandela Bay.

Late entries will be taken during registration from May 1 to 3 (9am to 7pm) and on the morning of the race.

For bulk entry information, contact Colleen Muller on 084 505 7519.

Tune in to Algoa FM for updates or go to @sparchallengepe and

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Loyal participants who inspire friends, family and colleagues to take part in next month’s SPAR Women’s Challenge in PE stand to win great prizes. Here Algoa FM’s event coordinator Larissa Scharneck and presenter Carol-Ann Kelleher get into the spirit of the event with SPAR marketing team members Wendy Westraadt and Lelane du Plessis. Photo: Coetzee Gouws

Issued by:

Full Stop Communications

Coetzee Gouws
082 575 7991
041 368 4992

On behalf of:

SPAR Eastern Cape