South African cycling distribution company Positive Sports Solutions has added a further string to its bow by setting up a financial arm to assist local cyclists.

The new division, Positive Capital Solutions, will create funding options for cyclists, covering all products within the company’s range.

In the latter stages of 2017, Positive Sports Solutions embarked on a strategy to make premier brands available at an affordable price to cyclists in the Southern African Development Community.

Starting with HEAD Bikes, its portfolio has widened to include Gipiemme wheels, Westfalia bike carriers, LUCK shoes, RYDERS eyewear and Controltech products.

Positive Sports marketing manager Lynette Burger-Pieterse said the rising cost of equipment had led to the decision to create a financial division to assist customers.

“In our experience, we have seen that there is definitely a demand for this sort of funding,” she said.

“There are already two finance companies in place, but we believe we are in a good position to provide that sort of service.”

She added that Positive Capital Solutions would finance any of the products in its range, with a minimum contract value of R20 000.

“Suppliers who stock Positive Sports Solutions products will provide the customer with a direct link to our financial division or a customer can apply directly through us at Positive Sports.”

Burger-Pieterse said the financial terms were available for companies or individuals, with each application being subject to the normal credit checks applicable in a business of this nature.

“Besides the minimum contract of R20 000, we follow similar criteria set out by finance companies,” she added.

“There are no limitations as to what we cover, providing the products are all within the company’s range.”

Burger-Pieterse said it was still early days for the division, having only started in January, but they had already received a number of enquiries.

“We feel our funding model offers an opportunity for SA cyclists to afford the premium brands we offer without having to pay everything at once.

“Positive Capital Solutions will attempt to expedite any application as soon as possible, but the timing may vary depending on the credit check process that we have in place.”

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South African cycling distribution company Positive Sports Solutions has created a financial arm, Positive Capital Solutions, to assist local cyclists with funding for products in its range. Photo: Supplied

Issued by: South African cycling distribution company Positive Sports Solutions has created a financial arm, Positive Capital Solutions, to assist local cyclists with funding for products in its range. Photo: Supplied