RedPlane South Africa (Ed note: head office in Cape Town) says biotechnology can reduce the pressure on health services by helping the millions of South Africans who will suffer from a psychiatric condition at some point in their lives.

Their comments follow the findings of a research study recently released by the Medical Research Council revealing that nearly 30% of the country’s residents will experience a psychiatric problem during their lifetime. According to the report, approximately 75% will never receive the correct treatment for their condition.

RedPlane South Africa (Ed note: head office in Cape Town) says biotechnology can reduce the pressure on health services by helping the millions of South Africans who will suffer from a psychiatric condition at some point in their lives.

Their comments follow the findings of a research study recently released by the Medical Research Council revealing that nearly 30% of the country’s residents will experience a psychiatric problem during their lifetime. According to the report, approximately 75% will never receive the correct treatment for their condition.

RedPlane SA, the South African subsidiary of this Swiss biotechnology company, says their advanced rehabilitation and wellness products can help these people.

“We use Cranial Electro-biologic Stimulation (CES) toe treat the symptoms of psychiatric conditions like depression, insomnia, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorders,” says Raphaël Devantier, RedPlane’s chief executive officer. “The treatment is painless, non-invasive, does not require medication and has no side-effects.

“Many people with psychiatric diseases are unwilling to go for treatment or to admit their problem due to the stigma attached. Biotechnology provides them with the perfect alternative and solution.”

According to Devantier, CES is applied through the Elexoma Medic device via electrodes that clip onto the patient’s ears. This therapy can also be used as a preventative measure.

Forensic criminologist, Dr Pixie du Toit, is a staunch supporter of this technology and uses the Elexoma Medic with great success at the Sinoville Crisis Centre in Pretoria. She says this form of biotechnology can help regulate stress levels, relax patients, reduce emotional fluctuations and manage aggression in children.

She believes it can make an important contribution to relieve the pressure on the health sector, the shortage of psychiatrists and experts and the burden on medical aids.

“Anti-depressants are used over long periods and can deplete medical aids,” says Du Toit. Patients also have to be evaluated constantly, because the body can develop a tolerance for certain medications.

She says South Africa is a high-risk country for psychiatric diseases, as one can deduce from the report. “The high unemployment rate, the resultant poverty and the impact of HIV/Aids encourage conditions like stress, aggression and depression.

Stress final

“Stress conditions also break down the immune system which allows diseases like cancer to get a hold,” says Du Toit. “Stress and depression can lead to suicide and can also contribute to violent crimes like murder.”

Statistics released by the Wellness Councils of America in 2003 showed that medical aid members who suffer from stress claim 58% more from their medical aid funds.